
10 Tampa Bay Area Date Night Ideas for Women From An Online Therapist

10 Tampa Bay Area Date Night Ideas for Women From An Online Therapist

Sure, it makes sense. You shared a deep connection and life before children entered the picture but now, it’s exhausting to even get through the tasks of the day without having to worry about cultivating your relationship. Shouldn’t it just be fine on auto-pilot for a while until you get through this stage of parenting? 

The reality is that it’s not just this stage of parenting you need to get through. Raising kids is at least an 18-year commitment and there’s no way a partnership, no matter how strong the foundation, can sit on a shelf for that long. The same is true for your friendships and your own self so don’t put those on the backburner either. 

Self-Care and The New Year

Self-Care and The New Year

The start of a new year often brings a full mix of emotions: excitement for new beginnings, grief over what has changed, anticipation of things to come, exhaustion from the stress of the holidays. 

With the new year also comes lists of goals, ideas, and resolutions we seek to cultivate in the days to come. Some of us want to create new health habits; others want to find a new hobby, while someone else strives for financial goals. Each person seeks different intentions and desires with the new year, but one goal should be on everyone’s 2020 list: self-care.      

10 Self-Care Tips for Busy Moms- Part 2

10 Self-Care Tips for Busy Moms- Part 2

When you fly on an airplane, you need to put your oxygen mask on before putting one on your child. And that is a perfect metaphor for the importance of self-care as a busy mom. If we don’t have our oxygen masks on first, we can’t help our little ones with theirs. So, here are five more ideas of how you can practice self-care as a busy mom.

10 Self Care Tips for Busy Moms: Part 1

10 Self Care Tips for Busy Moms: Part 1

The role of “Mom” requires you to constantly pour out of your cup to meet the needs of these young ones. However, when our own cups are empty, it’s nearly impossible to cope with our own stress and anxiety. But how are you supposed to nurture yourself when your schedule barely allows you time to shower? I’ve got ten ideas for ways you can practice self-care as a busy mom .