coping with depression

Military Moms: How To Help Your Children Cope With Your Spouse's Deployment

Military Moms: How To Help Your Children Cope With Your Spouse's Deployment

Frequently a challenge for military families who are uprooted is the lack of a support system for the parents and children. In such times of distress, kids might reach out to seemingly unlikely peers and trusted adults with questions, seeking advice, or for connection. It’s smart to talk with the people in your child’s life and explain what’s happening so they can help monitor any changes in behavior or mood and give additional support to your child.


From there, your family can do several things to prepare for an upcoming deployment or find a sense of normalcy and peace during one. Here are 4 tips for how to help your children cope with your spouse’s deployment 

Combating Toxic Positivity: Learning to Accept Your “Negative” Emotions

Combating Toxic Positivity: Learning to Accept Your “Negative” Emotions

When we dig deeper and stop to explore why there is a belief that something is wrong with having these “negative” emotions, there usually has been some kind of overarching message in that woman’s life that has said, “It’s not okay to be mad, angry, sad, depressed…” and the list could go on. This message could have begun early in childhood by parents, siblings, teachers, and friends, or it may have appeared later in life from professors, employers, romantic partners, or the community within which they live. While the message is that those emotions are bad, the other message communicated is “You just need to be happy. Just focus on the positive.” And this is where “toxic positivity” begins to take root.

Postpartum depression in the time of COVID-19

Postpartum depression in the time of COVID-19

Being a woman is hard. Being a new mom or adding another kiddo to your family is hard. Coping with the symptoms of postpartum depression is hard. Living through a global pandemic is hard.

Giving birth during COVID-19 left many mamas feeling sad. This was not the beautiful birth they thought they would have. They did not have the same experiences they or their friends had in pre-COVID times. They did not get to share their baby with their loved one the way they had always imagined.